pediatricianHealthcare reform has been a hot topic for quite some time now but many American’s are still left wondering what it means for them, what it means for their future and what it will cost them.

One particular provision of the reform stood out to me.  I flashed back to my graduation from FIT… ceremony at Radio City Music Hall… caps and gowns and proud parents.   The world was my oyster… until I got that first bill from Cobra.  😉

This provision will extend child healthcare coverage to the age of 26.  You don’t have to be a full time student anymore.  You don’t even have to live with your parents to be eligible.   I think it’s a good thing for young adults to have a cushion, especially with the job market being what it is and many companies not offering benefits until after a probational time period of anywhere from 3-9 months.  But will it cause America’s young adults to be ever more reliant on their parents?  What are your thoughts on this?

AE Garcia