Anti-Cancer Food Spotlight: Pumpkin

Anti-Cancer Food Spotlight: Pumpkin

This time of year, pumpkins are ubiquitous, decorating front steps, eventually carved for Halloween jack-o-lanterns, and gracing the table as pumpkin pie usually once a year for Thanksgiving. After November this healthy anti-cancer food is often ignored, disappearing...
New Breast Self-Exam Flier in Arabic

New Breast Self-Exam Flier in Arabic

Our handy illustrated breast self-exam instructions are one of our most popular pieces of literature. An Arabic version is now available to print and download, along with our versions in Mandarin, French Creole, Polish, Hebrew and Spanish.
4 Ways A Plant-Based Diet Can Improve Breast Cancer Odds

4 Ways A Plant-Based Diet Can Improve Breast Cancer Odds

  Today’s fad diets seem to be defined by what you’re no longer allowed to eat. The plant-based diet, also called the whole-foods plant-based diet, or a WFPB diet for short, is a little different (and may we say a breath of fresh air?). This way of looking at...