Cleaning for a Reason

Cleaning for a Reason

Did you know that there is a cleaning service that provides free housecleaning for women currently undergoing Chemotherapy? Cleaning for a Reason is a new nonprofit that offers professional housecleaning and maid services to women undergoing treatment for any type of...
Mitzvah Mania!

Mitzvah Mania!

Last week I attended an American Business Associates meeting and met Sheri Lapidus, the co-founder of Mitzvah Market. is a place where anyone who’s planning a mitzvah should begin. I invited Sheri to visit us at the Maurer Foundation.  During our...
Mitzvah Mania!

A Holiday Tip…

It’s December and we all know what that means……It’s time to go shopping for those holiday gifts!!! Here at The Maurer Foundation we’d like to help you relieve some stress from the crowds, the lugging of bags, the list that never seems to end and suggest...
Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day!

Veterans Day is an American holiday honoring military veterans. With the increasing number of women serving in the military today and returning from deployments as seasoned veterans, there is a need to identify and treat the obstacles that are unique to female...