Kick These Food Habits to the Curb!

Kick These Food Habits to the Curb!

Whether you are a slow eater, a fast eater, or somewhere  in between, we all have our unique food habits.  Unfortunately, many of our bad food habits can cause us to gain weight, and excessive weight is one of the main risk factors for breast cancer. It is important...
How to Sleep Better!

How to Sleep Better!

Do you often have trouble sleeping at night?  A good night’s sleep is so important to maintain both a healthy mind and body.  Here are some simple things you can do to improve your sleep patterns! -Get 30 minutes of outdoor time each day.  It is important to get...
Have a Healthy 4th of July!

Have a Healthy 4th of July!

Happy Friday everyone! Not only is it Friday, but also the beginning to a relaxing three-day holiday weekend.  Fourth of July is a wonderful time to hit the beach, enjoy family and friends, and celebrate American pride.  Personally, the 4th to me is all about the...
Inspirational Celeb Survivors

Inspirational Celeb Survivors

The fight to beat breast cancer is no doubt a difficult journey, requiring a great deal of emotional strength.  I am truly amazed by the determination and positivity exhibited by breast cancer patients, especially those who must fight their battle in the public eye. ...