by April Zubko | Apr 4, 2019
Pink ribbon photo courtesy of Marco Verch. Transgender symbol courtesy of Wikimedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. [This article is part of our Transgender Breast Health Series.] Breast cancer risk factors are heavily...
by April Zubko | Mar 21, 2019
Along with English, Spanish, French Creole and Mandarin, our popular “How To Do a Breast Self-Exam (BSE)” flier is now available in Hebrew.
by Melanie McDermet, M.S. | Dec 10, 2018
With the holidays right around the corner, now is an opportune time to talk to far-flung relatives about breast cancer, other hereditary cancers, BRCA and any genetic testing your relatives may have received. Between a difficult diagnoses and the public nature of a...
by Eileen Pillitteri | Jul 23, 2018
“Creative Commons DNA Lab” by University of Michigan is licensed under CC BY 2.0 In March 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first direct-to-consumer genetic test that could identify an increased breast cancer risk. How Does 23andMe...
by April Zubko | Jul 20, 2018
Doing a regular breast self-exam is one of the most important (and easiest!) ways to detect breast cancer early. And now it’s even easier, with our popular breast self-exam flyer translated into Spanish, Mandarin and French Creole. View these handy flyers online...
by Eileen Pillitteri | Nov 17, 2017
Many women rely strictly on screening mammograms to detect breast cancer. Although mammograms are one of the most effective ways to detect cancer in its earliest stages, they can miss up to 20 percent of breast cancers. Breast self examination (BSE) can be another...