Anti-Cancer Food Spotlight: Apples

Anti-Cancer Food Spotlight: Apples

Apples are the quintessential American food, brought by colonists from Europe early in the country’s history. Apples were a key player in the American tale of Johnny Appleseed, who preceded pioneers as they traveled west, planting trees. And then of course...
Eat a Cancer-Fighting Taco for National Taco Day

Eat a Cancer-Fighting Taco for National Taco Day

Tacos get a bad rap. Drenched in saturated-fat-laden sour cream, cheese, and beef and encased in a deep-fried nutritionally questionable shell, tacos are not usually the first thing people think of when anti-cancer foods are mentioned. (Tacos, did, however, make it...
Anti-Cancer Food Spotlight: Pomegranates

Anti-Cancer Food Spotlight: Pomegranates

Photo by sierragoddess Antioxidants have long been lauded for their role in breast cancer prevention because of the neutralizing effect they have on free radicals, cancer-causing molecules found in the body. Pomegranates are rich in Vitamin C, one of several types of...