Happy Friday everyone! Not only is it Friday, but also the beginning to a relaxing three-day holiday weekend. Fourth of July is a wonderful time to hit the beach, enjoy family and friends, and celebrate American pride. Personally, the 4th to me is all about the yummy BBQ treats. Hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad—I look forward to it all. Here are some tips on making your holiday BBQ fit into a long term healthy diet that reduces the risk factors for breast cancer.
Tip 1 – Make burgers with ground chicken or turkey rather than beef. This will cut both calories and fat in half.
Tip 2 – Use whole wheat buns rather than buns made from refined wheat.
Tip 3 – Decrease the amount of mayo you use in your pasta and potato salads. If you can’t do without the mayo, try fat free versions of your favorite condiments.
Tip 4 – Put your grill to good use in order to make a less greasy meal. Cooking on the stove often adds butter and oil into the mix.
Tip 5 – Add more fruits and vegetables to your meal. Choosing both over pasta and potatoes will keep you feeling more energized throughout the day.
For more info: http://www.ehow.com/how_4443165_have-healthy-4th-july-bbq.html